These cabinet hinges are nickel plated. They are used extensively in the fitting of kitchen and bedroom cabinet doors. Often referred to a Blum hinges. One hinge leaf has a 35mm diameter boss which is morticed into the inside of the door and secured with 2 screws and the other leaf is mounted on the inside of the cupboard with fully adjustable mounting plates. This allows easy and precise adjustment after fitting. Being sprung it pulls the door fully closed without the need of a catch.
Easi-on or Surface fix Bedroom and Kitchen cupboard hinges without drilling a 35mm boss hole
Amerock Pattern Sprung Cabinet Hinges, Black Plated Variable Overlay
Single Cranked Flush Hinges 50mm x 16mm Brass Plated
Cupboard Door Single Cranked Flush Hinges 50mm x 16mm Zinc Plated